
Hi, there! Thank you for visiting NERDSHOCK HQ, an independent blog dedicated to gaming culture & geeking out.

My name is Aleida Samallo (1984). I’m a Gamer, Geek & Digital Hermit. I live together with my partner and our two cats in The Netherlands. I’m always geeking out over awesome movies, binge-worthy shows, delicious tunes & epic videogames.

I originally launched NERDSHOCK HQ at the start of 2013. Over the years the website changed from a lifestyle blog to a static splash page. After trying to relaunch HQ multiple times, I finally started over with a clean slate in Summer 2024.

Instead of chasing headlines, I mainly focus on celebrating my favorite games by sharing in-depth posts, do slow play sessions and showcase my favorite collectibles. I’m currently still busy rebuilding NERDSHOCK HQ and aim to have the website fully operational in Fall 2024.

Be sure to check back soon!
