I originally launched NERDSHOCK HQ at the start of 2013. Over the years the main website changed from a lively blog to a static landing page. I always wanted to relaunch NERDSHOCK HQ, but a busy job kept me away. When I finally found the time to work on rebuilding HQ, I fell gravely ill.

In November 2022 I ended up in the hospital due to a perforated colon and abdominal sepsis. It turns out I had undiagnosed Crohn’s disease which finally caused serious trouble. During an emergency surgery part of my colon was removed and I was given an ileostomy. After the surgery things got pretty close, but I managed to pull through. I spend a total of three weeks in the hospital, two of those were in the ICU.

At the start of 2023 I found myself back in the hospital due to acute pancreatitis. Last year was pretty rocky, starting and failing my first mediciation. Starting infusions in the hospital and getting multiple scans done. For the last two years I’ve been focusing on recovering, adjusting to living with an ostomy and having to take medication daily. I’m currently doing pretty ok.. I’m feeling more confident to get back into things.

That also means I’m back to working on NERDSHOCK HQ. I’ve been experimenting with ways to bring back HQ during the summer. I ultimately decided to touch grass as much as possible and return to website building now that fall is around the corner. I hope to have the website fully operational at the end of 2024.

Please hang in there with me & be sure to check back in soon!
