There are secrets hidden within the newly revealed area of Dry Top, just waiting to be discovered. Basil The Wanderer continues his adventures in the Maguuma Wastes and takes a stand alongside fellow heroes against an ancient, growing threat.

Story Steps

Scarlet’s Secret Room | 1:20
Discovering Scarlet’s Breakthrough | 20:24
The Concordia Incident | 33:25
Trouble at Fort Salma | 43:25
The Machine | 53:23

Journey Through Tyria

To celebrate my love for Guild Wars 2, I’ve decided to go on a Journey Through Tyria with Basil The Wanderer. Always wanted to try out a MMORPG, but still feel a little hesitant? Check out the dedicated Guild Wars 2 section and join Basil on his adventure!


Gamer, Geek & Digital Hermit

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